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2024-07-17 03:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

And as though we summoned him.你今天过得怎么样?How was your day?现在看来过得非常好My day is really good right now.他们去了佛罗里达 咕噜在迈阿密的老家 后来...So they went to Florida, where Gollum was living in Miami. And...你知道怎么回事吗?Oh, you know what it is?爸爸没戴眼镜Daddy doesn't have his glasses on.你瞎编的吧You're making this up.[维娅]奥吉是我们家的太阳August is the sun.爸爸妈妈和我是围着太阳转的行星My mom and dad and me are planets orbiting the sun.我爱我的弟弟 也习惯了这个宇宙的规则But I love my brother and I'm used to the way this universe works.妈妈说我在四岁生日时许愿要个小♥弟♥弟♥My mom says that on my fourth birthday I wished for a little brother.后来奥吉出生了 看他的第一眼我就爱上了他And when he was born, it only took me a few seconds and I was all over him.能听见吗?Can you hear me?他们要看 就让他们看好了If they stare, let them stare.你融入不了 只是因为你生下来就与众不同You can't blend in when you were born to stand out.我从来没让妈妈辅♥导♥过作业I've never asked my mom for help with my homework.也不需要爸爸在考试前提醒我复习I never needed my dad to remind me to study for a test.大多数时间我都在候诊室和医院里学习I just did most of my studying in waiting rooms and hospitals.爸爸妈妈常说我是世上最体贴的女儿Mom and Dad would always say I was the most understanding girl in the world.我不知道是不是这样I don't know about that.我只知道不能再给他们添麻烦了I just knew my family couldn't take one more thing.我知道家人很爱我 但是除了过世的外婆I know my family loves me, but ever since my grandma died,我最好的朋友米兰达是唯一懂我的人my best friend Miranda is the only person who knows me.米兰达!Miranda!瞧瞧你Wow. Look at you.嘿 维娅Hey, Via.我给你发了一千多条短♥信♥了I've texted you, like, 1,000 times.夏令营什么时候结束的?When'd you get back from camp?两周以前吧Two weeks ago.两周了?Two weeks?抱歉 我都忙疯了 你懂的Sorry, it's been crazy. You know?嗯 没事 没关系Yeah, no, that's okay.你的头发怎么了?What'd you do to your hair?你喜欢吗?Do you like it?喜欢 嗯 看起来很...狂野Yeah. Yeah. It looks wild.我只是 做些新的尝试Just trying something different, you know.再联♥系♥吧I'll catch you later.- 嘿 艾拉 - 嘿- Hey, Ella. - Hey.你是想要报名吗?Thinking about signing up?- 报名什么? - 戏剧社- For what? - The drama club.他们秋季排练 春季汇报演出They study theatre in the fall and do a play in the spring.呃Um...没有 我不报 我不是那种戏剧迷No, not really. I'm not a theatre nerd.那真是太遗憾了 我是Well, that's too bad. I am.我叫贾斯汀I'm Justin by the way.抱歉 我刚才真是... 太没礼貌了Sorry, that was... That was rude. Um...我叫维娅 奥利维娅I'm Via. Olivia.第一天总是不顺 对吗?First days suck, don't they?是啊 很不顺Yeah. Yeah, they do.我妈妈要从地铁站送我到学校My mom tried to walk me here from the subway.我只能趁着红灯的时候把她甩掉I literally had to ditch her at the traffic light.我妈妈还以为我不会用地铁卡呢My mom still doesn't think I can use a MetroCard.你也是独生子女吗?You an only child, too?嗯 对Yeah. Yeah.和父母说了也是白说 有次我告诉我妈妈They never listen. This one time I told my mom[吉米·亨德里克斯被公认为是摇滚音乐史上最伟大的电吉他演奏家]我想学吉他 像摇滚明星吉米·亨德里克斯那样I wanted to take guitar lessons and play like Jimi Hendrix.后来呢?What happened?很高兴认识你 维娅 奥利维娅Well it was nice to meet you, Via. Olivia.嗯 我也很高兴认识你 贾斯汀Yeah. It was nice to meet you, too, Justin.那就回头见Maybe, I'll see you around.舞台上就算了吧Though not onstage, clearly.请进Come in.晚安 宝贝Good night, honey.妈妈呢?Where's Mom?她已经睡了She fell asleep.好吧Oh. Okay.奥吉还好吧?How's Auggie?有人欺负他了 所以...There's some bully, you know.你的第一天怎么样?How was your first day?嗯... 很不错It was... It was really good.是吗?It was good?是的Yeah.替我们向米兰达问好Say hi to Miranda for us.我会的I will.做个好梦Sweet dreams.晚安Good night.妈妈为弟弟牺牲了自己的梦想My mom put her life on hold for my brother.她一直想当个儿童读物插画家 当美术老师She always wanted to be a children's book illustrator and teach art.奥吉出生时 她只差一篇论文就能拿到硕士学位了She was one thesis shy of getting her master's when Auggie was born.后来她就停笔了Then she stopped writing it.奥吉出生时她放弃了很多东西She stopped a lot of things when Auggie was born.但她依然画得很好But she is still great at drawing.不知道她有没有意识到I don't know if she even realizes that奥吉永远是她每幅画的主题she makes Auggie the center of every universe she draws.米兰达曾经开玩笑说 我的家就像地球Miranda used to joke that my house was like the Earth.[“儿子”和“太阳”的英语读音相同]永远围着儿子转 而不是女儿It revolved around the son. Not the daughter.不过妈妈还是很有画家的观察力That doesn't change the fact that my mother has a great eye.我只希望她也能看看我 哪怕只有一次I just wish that one time, she would use it to look at me.就这样 非常好 好极了Yeah, good job, good job.米兰达?Miranda?维娅 你在这儿做什么?Via? What are you doing here?只是 做些新的尝试Just trying something new.你呢You?我也是Uh, same.好了各位 开始吧All right, everybody, let's go!先开下嗓Time for vocal warm up.快过来 集♥合♥了 开始啦!Bring it in! Bring it in, people, let's go!所有人 手举起来!举高点!Everybody, hands up! Reach high! And...各位Guys, can you please...好啦 小朋友们 别玩了 往中间站Okay. You... You guys, skooch. Sit. Just be closer.女士们先生们Ladies and Gentlemen.站好了 很好Stay. Stay, good.嘿 你叫什么名字?Hey, hey. What's your name?奥吉Auggie.鞋子不错Nice boots.好吧 谢谢Great. Thanks.好了各位 开始了 往中间靠靠 说“茄子”Okay, everybody, here we go. We're skooching and say "Cheese."茄子!Cheese!学校嘛... 不过我也习惯了School became... Well, I got used to it.除了躲避球Except for dodgeball.这么邪恶的游戏是谁发明的?What evil man invented dodgeball?校园里我最讨厌的地方是院子But my least favorite zone at school is courtyard.因为所有人都在那里Because the whole school's there.没人对我使坏 没人说我坏话或嘲笑我No one does anything mean. Or says anything. Or laughs.他们只会看我 看看别处 再看回来They all just look, then look away, then look back.小孩子这样很正常They're just being normal kids.我只想告诉他们 “嘿 我知道我长得怪 可这有什么关系呢”I kinda wanna tell them, "Hey, I know I look weird, but it's okay."[丘巴卡是《星球大战》里韩·索罗的搭档]我是说 如果丘巴卡有一天来这里上学I mean, if Chewbacca started going to school here one day,我也会忍♥不住偷看他的I'd probably stare at him a bit, too.抱歉我盯着你看 让你不自在了I'm sorry if my staring made you feel weird.为了能看见事物 我们需要光In order for any of us to see, we need light.现在光在卡片上反射 通过空气So right now light is bouncing off this card traveling through the air,和玻璃 进入你的眼睛through the glass, to your eye.但如果我们加点水呢?But what if we added water?没错Whoa, indeed.如果光穿过一种材料或介质到另一种 就会偏折Any time light passes from one material or medium to another, it bends.光的偏折现象叫做...This bending of light is also known as...折射Refraction.非常好 奥吉




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